Open Auto Classifieds

Open Auto Classifieds is a free, open source vehicle classifieds manager. Intended to be easy to install and easy to administer,
Visitors can browse your auto listings 24/7, 365 days a year.
Keep your listings updated -- no HTML coding required to add, delete, or modify listings.
Perform a "QUICK SEARCH" from any page.
Built in window Poster page
Built in loan calculator.
Bulk loader for user and listings.
Search listings by features.
Site stats listed in the admin section.
Optional Internal SEO/SEF feature with mod_rewrite.
Listings moderation for new listings.
Users get notification (shows up in Member profile page) to show status of listings.
Sellers can view their listings from their members page and link to any listing.
Captcha security for Contact form
Send to a friend and contact seller features.
Email verification system controlled in the admin section.
Sold watermark displayed over "SOLD" listings.
Built-in image manager upload photos from your web browser.
3 default themes to choose from. You can purchase Additional themes.
Plus all the great features of the Basic Login system below.
Open Auto Classifieds is based on open technologies such as the PHP scripting language, the MySQL database engine, XHTML eXtensible Hypertext Markup Language, and CSS Cascading Style Sheet styling. Using these Open source tools OAC is fully customizable, revise OAC to match the look of any website easily.
Basic PHP login system Information
This Basic PHP login system was created as the base for Open Auto Classifieds. You may find the login framework useful for other projects.
Features of the Basic PHP login system:
Smarty based templates.
Works with PHP4 or PHP5 and MySQL ready
Remember me functions
Built in Contact form
Multi or Single user mode
Change your user details and password
Lost password functions
XHTML Strict source code and valid CSS
Uses Language files for future internationalization